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Driven by responsibility and ecological awareness, we strive to reduce our impact on the environment by focusing on environment-friendly products. Undergoing multiple use, our packaging will endure for a minimum of 7 years. Simple recycling of used materials (mostly PP sheets and panels) causing no CO2-emissions enables us to reduce our raw-material needs and our impact on the environment.

Polypropylene – an environment-friendly solution. Polypropylene is an olefin polymer added a propylene molecule. In its basic form, it is distinguished by its wide-ranging applicability. With the possibility of adding molecules to the base polymer, its melting temperature range, natural water repellence and countless machining options, its applicability can even be extended. The material is resistant to adverse weather conditions and (at room temperature) to fats and most organic compounds. It is also highly resistant to corrosion, as well as to acidic and alkaline solutions.

At the end of its life span, polypropylene allows for full (100%) recycling. The recyclate is used to make new PP sheets or other products. By following the principle of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, we have been meeting our business goals and helping preserve the environment.


Our quality policy encourages us to continuously improve our products, services, processes, and employee competencies. We are committed to meeting confirmed customer requirements and complying with legal and other regulations, taking into account the impacts that our activities may have on the environment and the quality of life. We believe that we can best achieve these goals by conducting our activities in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.

We shape our quality policy based on the company’s long-term directions, which are derived from the following principles:

  • improving our quality management system,
  • encouraging employees to act and think based on risk,
  • reducing the number of complaints,
  • building lasting trust and satisfaction of our customers,
  • understanding the expectations of stakeholders,
  • investing in expanding knowledge, belonging, training, and enriching the personal development of each employee,
  • caring for environmental protection and implementing procedures to reduce environmental impacts,
  • aligning the quality policy with the trends and regulations of the European Union.